7 types of women when it comes to money.

Praise Adeola
7 min readNov 27, 2020
Photo by Gemma Chua-Tran on Unsplash

My friend Josephine told me last month about how a friend of her’s spent her allawee and part of her savings shopping for her boyfriend’s kitchen. According to Josephine, her friend is a typical housewife. She does all of her boyfriend’s cleaning and cooking. Deep right, I didn’t think it was deep.

Point blankly; I thought it was stupid and very gullible.

Ni to ri Olorun, why would she spend her entire allawee on a man who not only has a stable job, but isn’t sure of marrying her (no offence to the guys), but really, why?

The guy isn’t sure of marrying her and she’s got a truckload of her personal expenses.

Why spend that much money in a home that isn’t yours?

I was pissed.

Two weeks later, the same girl was asking Josephine for airtime. Apparently, her account balance was crying battery low.

When I think about it now, wife material isn’t the worst thing you will find among ladies today.

Remember my previous article, I talked about the categories of men that buy wigs for their women. Well, this for the ladies. What goes for the goose must also go for the gander.

I’m going to open una yansh today.

As funny and for some, as relatable, these categories will teach you a thing or two you about money and how right or wrong you are going about it.

Here are 7 types of ladies when it comes to spending.

1. Daddy’s Little Girls

Omo daddy! These ladies are ‘soaked’ dependent on their father and I mean 4 days cloth inside water-soaked. Basically, they are their father’s favourite or just spoilt brats who get funded to live lavish lives on Instagram and parties.

These girls can literally hang their father’s with complaints when they don’t get their allowance when due. They’re demanding, because they feel entitled to all their parents own, after all, they are omo daddy.

Ladies with this kind of character trait find it very difficult to settle with a guy below their father’s financial status. It’s either ‘Otedollar’ money or Nothing else.

Any guy who doesn’t meet up to their father’s income should be ready to be woman rapper, cause she who controls the money, is the head.

2. Showoffs

You know these girls already. They barely have anything in their bank account but they fit dress pass anyone else. They live to impress even if there is nothing to really show. You will never know as an onlooker, cause appearances can be deceiving.

Best places to find these are at parties, mostly tagging with friends who have money or on Instagram borrow posing with omo lo mo Benz or iPhone 12 pro max. Everything about their life is fake, they are always under constant pressure from their followers or friends.

The results for them is mostly shame or costly.

3. The Independent Women

Everyone wants to be this kind of woman because they like to stand on their own, especially when it comes to their income. Often, people confuse financial independent women with financial stable women; well they are not the same.

A financially independent woman is one who, let’s just say is her own boss.

Wikipedia defined it as

Financial independence is the status of having enough income to pay one’s living expenses for the rest of one’s life without having to be employed or dependent on others. There are many strategies to achieving financial independence, each with their own benefits and drawbacks.”

While a financially stable woman is one who earns enough to afford her basics and even more.

Independent women are sometimes perceived as feminist, I don’t know how both are correlated. What I do know is that I aim to be one, one day (financially independent I mean).

Men, if you are looking for a good woman, do make sure one of your specs is a financially independent woman.

4. The Explorers

Explorers are my favourite kind of spenders. Some may say these types of women are crazy and impulsive, I say they are risk-takers.

They put the money where the fun is, no matter how risky it may sound.

Adventure isn’t always on an aeroplane to Abu Dhabi or on a car trip to Ibadan. It is can also be in “invest trippy” that’s slang for exploration of investment.

Ladies like to play safe when it comes to investing their money, especially in comparison to guys. Guys are more hustlers than ladies because it’s in their genes. If a guy loses 200K today before the end of the week, he would have makeover 500k (and I’m not talking Yahoo Yahoo). But there are hustlers in the investment ring, I prefer to call them explorers. Every opportunity they have to multiply their money, they take it.

They are open to the good, the bad and the ugly.

They explore all options available to them and mostly they make tons from it.

I love these kinds of women. If you want to have fun especially cash in the air fun, they are your Airwik ride.

5. The Wealth Creators

This group of women-only spend money that will not only satisfy their present want but has a commensurate value i.e will create wealth for them in the long run. These are the ballers in the industry. These women are extremely smart, and I don’t mean off the bookshelf smart. They are very calculative as too every little thing they spend money on, down to a bottle of water.

They are not stingy; in fact, they are more likely to give to people than the ‘givers’ gang.

You will never find them spending more than they earn or invest in what has no returns.

They are smart and can be very intimidating.

6. Mother Theresa

These ladies are mostly loved because they imbibe the nature of the late Mother Theresa. They are capable of giving the giveable. If they can give their vital organs they would in a heartbeat.

They are generous but also very cautious. There is a fine balance between being gullible and be financially smart. They are the balance.

Men love women with this character trait, I mean, who wouldn’t.

7. Wife Material

Contrary to what you may think, wife materials in this context are gullible. Ironical, but true. These ladies spend every of their money on food stock, home appliances, etc., on a man they are not sure of marrying.

Funny how they don’t mind, as long as the guy sees them as a potential wife.

They will do about anything to retain the title of girlfriend. Anything enough to keep the guy tied.

And when she realizes the relationship isn’t going anywhere, it would be too late, because she has not only invested a chunk of her time and energy but also her money preparing a home for another woman. (Moses, the path maker, helping another woman cross the red sea.)

Uncultured and immoral men use this as an opportunity to settle themselves. Free food, house cleaning, personal care- and las las dey no go marry the woman. (Wahala for person wey try this with me)

Women really need to stay woke on their finances because no one is going to do it for them. Gone are the days when you can marry simply because you are a woman. Men are now looking for women who are financially literate and independent. You can’t keep hanging on daddy’s money when you have a job or disturbing your boyfriend for allaweee (he is not your ATM card).

It’s ok to have it rough we starting on building income streams, but don’t be that girl who doesn’t have control over her finance. You can’t keep buying everything you see.

Today it is iPhone 12 pro max, tomorrow it is 200k wig…Haba

My personal advice to Daddy’s little girls is simple. Grow up! You won’t have daddy forever. Any little money your father gives you should be invested wisely, so you can fund your self later on.

It’s not every time “daddy, I need 50k” or “daddy, I want to buy new clothes” You sef reason am, if person disturb like that, shey e no go tire you.

However, let me make it clear, there is nothing wrong with being dependent on your father especially if you’re a student or still sourcing for a job or working on your business plan.

I myself still collect money from my parents. But don’t make it a habit. Sometimes be badass at sourcing your funds from your own pocket. If your parents give you money on regular basics, save and invest it.

In fact, when your dad offers to give you money, you will be like “Don’t worry, I’m good for now” I did that throughout the pandemic period and I felt so good to be less dependent on my family. I may not be totally independent, but it gives me absolute joy and a sense of maturity to know I can decide my own finance.

As for the Wife materials, there isn’t much I can say to you. Spending money on building a home for a man who isn’t going to wife you is a bad call and that makes you gullible.

Sorry, I’m being too blunt, but I can’t be euphoric about the subject matter.

Any man who sits comfortably in a house where you pay for 70% of everything inside isn’t the man for you. Yes o, I said it. Why should you? You are not married to him (even at that), you’re not his parents.

Likewise dating a man doesn’t entitle you to his paycheck (this equally applies to the guys too).

I have said my peace.

Ladies are the neck of a home (or at least will one day be) and hence should be able to make smart money decision as regards her finances.

Spend, but don’t be the devil.

