Q1: Setbacks, disappointment, and some wins
A review and lessons learned.

I promised myself as the year was about to begin that I would meticulously chronicle every aspect of my experience in 2023. As a result, I separated my goals into quarters.
I’ll be narrating a lot of my personal stuff in the best section of this piece. You may argue that I’m just pouring my heart out to the world or that this is to inspire you, my reader.
Nevertheless, I promise you a good read.
Despite its limited duration, the first quarter of 2023 was gratifying. Mehn, I gained lots of knowledge.
I started the new year with a clear purpose because I could see it would go by quickly and I didn’t want to waste time dithering or being lax about what I wanted for myself.
I outlined my goals for January and assigned a deadline for everything I wanted to accomplish. My personal calendar is filled with red marks and sticky notes, and as I struggle with digital calendars, I prefer this five times more than my Google calendar.
I started the year by reading Oswald J. Smith's "The Man that God Uses." I took my time reading it since it was so engrossing and eye-opening. It's like receiving letters from God directly. I have promoted this book to anyone who would listen.
I was aware that I needed to start praying deeply. As a result, I established a deliberate prayer system for my workdays. I wasn’t going to use my demanding, time-consuming, and grueling work as a justification for a mediocre prayer altar.
I made a deal with myself to write at least four articles per month. A persistent effort is required for something to be great. It takes practice to achieve excellence. We refine our skills via daily practice.
I aspire to be a great writer, and I’m working hard to achieve that goal. Y’all should challenge me if you don’t see a minimum of four articles on this page by the end of the month.
I had goals that I set out to accomplish, but they didn’t come to pass, and that was okay. I moved them to the following month.
Though, if I was being completely honest with myself, I set a lot of unreasonable deadlines and expectations for January.
The month of February was more eventful. I deliberately made choices that steered me in the direction of my ambitions.
For one thing, during the Presidential Elections, I voted for the Labour Party’s candidate, Peter Gregory Obi. It was a watershed moment for me.
I had never cast a ballot in an election before. I was quite excited about the election.
In fact, a lot of the friends I persuaded from the time of the registration came out to vote. I remember my parents and I being the first people to arrive at our polling unit. It still gives me chills to this day.
Even though the results were disappointing, I’m still glad that I helped Nigeria regain its lost mandate, and I remain optimistic about a brighter Nigeria.
Still maintaining that energy, I published another 4 articles. I'm happy with the effort I put forth to consistently share my experiences with others, particularly through writing.
I also got to the advanced level of a professional program (I had already given up on.) I didn’t have the requirements needed to advance, hence I drew a curtain on that page.
To my amazement, I got a mail saying I had qualified for the next stage. I learned here, that giving up on something or yourself doesn’t mean God has given up on it or on you.
I furthered my business objectives by selling my investment course and a few copies of my novel. The reviews I have been receiving are fantastic. I really appreciate the fact that my financial literacy course has changed the way many young people think about how to build wealth.
I cherish the opportunity to do this as a ministry.
The objectives I had set for February were scaled back and spread out across subsequent months. One of the many reasons I first packed my month full of goals was because I saw someone I greatly admire accomplish six sizable goals in a single month.
I too wanted to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. I wanted to have something big to put on my Instagram or to share here with you guys.
The HolySpirit however taught me;
“take things one pace at a time.”
“Praise, your journey and even assignment is very different from hers”
“Don’t try to experience your whole life at a succinct period”
“It’s okay not to reach her standard. I want you to set your own standard of success”
“You’re unique; a special breed of your kind”
“Be patient! and Be obedient”
The only reminder I needed to walk at God’s pace came from this brief lesson. What fun is it to accomplish everything at once?
As a response, I adjusted my schedule and handled what I could each time.
Despite how brief March was, I found it to be extremely challenging in every way. It seemed as though the devil had it aimed at me.
A serious illness struck at the start of the month. I had no energy, was unable to leave the house, spent days in bed, and lost my appetite. I needed to get a lot of things done, but I just couldn’t bring myself to.
As if that wasn’t enough, I was scheduled to present at a Digital Finance Hub’s Wealth Creator workshop. My laptop crashed on the day of the workshop.
I felt like a phony. A large number of people had signed up to attend the program. It was upsetting to cancel so abruptly.
Instead of concentrating on my disappointment, I took the initiative to let everyone who had registered know the event had been rescheduled.
I learned here that while things may not always go as planned, one should always be prepared with a backup plan.
One excellent thing that happened was that I resumed fellowship with In His Light, and what a wonderful time we have had in God’s presence.
With these people, I adore praying and preaching the gospel. We are in for some exciting days.
March held my yin-yang experience- both the good and the bad.
But even so, God was faithful.
I was blessed the most in March with material gifts, gifts of time and knowledge, gifts of money, and, most significantly, the gifts of men.
My growth was visible to me. I handled my emotion better than ever. I took great initiative. Oh, I did.
Other things I learned
I got clarity on what I wanted and pursued my goals without fear. I learned to ask for help (which is a significant win given how I can be).
I established some objectives for myself, but they didn’t turn out as I had hoped.
But I persisted despite that. I rescheduled and made sure to do everything in my power to accomplish it.
I had a good first quarter.
I tag this first quarter “Goodness of God”
How great is Your goodness,
Which You have stored up for those who [reverently] fear You,
Which You have prepared for those who take refuge in You,
Before the sons of man!
Psalm 31:19 (AMP)
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