Maybe God is calling you.

Gen 3:9
Have you ever imagined God calling you on your mobile phone. Picture that for a minute. Imagine the millions of questions you would love to ask him. Now imagine the joy and happiness that you would feel when he calls you his child and promises to answer all your requests. When you get off that call, you will most definitely tell the whole world of your phone conversation with God. No matter how crazy others will perceive it, you will keep bragging about it.
But then, why is it different when God call us in our daily affairs? Why is difficult to commit ourselves to fellowshipping with God? Why is it difficult to engage ourselves in prayer and the word? I can imagine how attentive you must have been in that phone conservation with God, every of his word sinking into our ear drums, but in reality, we turn deaf ear when it comes to the word of God.
Sometimes God calls us in the most unlikely of times and unexpected circumstances. It maybe at our lowest point, when everything seems to go wrong. It could be after a failed exam, or the loss of a loved one, it could be during financial crises or family problems. God calls you during those times, because your vulnerability and inability makes you God’s target. He calls those who are not perfect, who are still trying to find their placing with him. He calls the atheist, the fornicators, the drug-addict, the smoker, even the persecutors.
Maybe God is calling you. I don’t know if your phone is on airplane mode or silence, however, you will need to heed his call. He has a purpose for you, one than is bigger; far bigger than life in itself. His purpose is greater than the satisfaction you derive after an illicit sexual intercourse, after your drug-smoking pleasure, after your suicide attempt. This plan of his is greater than your level of disbelieve. You have to pick up that call and say “Here I am Lord, use me”
When you don’t take heed to God’s call, it is liken to building your house without a foundation. Luke 6:46-49. You can’t go through this life without God, that I know. Though it may seem like the horrors of life are eating you up, God is using them as a rope to draw you closer to him. All you need to do is acknowledge his call.
God is calling you! Pick the call! He is waiting!