
It’s Time to Redefine Consistency

and other writing misconceptions

Praise Adeola


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

This is the hard, cold truth — consistent posting won’t grow your Medium, LinkedIn, or any media that requires producing content].

We are so focused on showing up all over social media, that we ignore how we show up. The majority of articles and write-ups on social media are uninsightful. Feels forced. Algorithm conscious. Spam. Noisy, and lately, A.I generated.

Deep and authentic writing is slowly fading.


Because of the belief that creating content or posting daily “will grow your followings” “reach a larger audience” “make you an expert in the subject” “make you famous”, etc. So, you post every day, everywhere, three times a day on every social platform.

While building consistency is fine, the problem with this phenomenon is that it needs more strategic planning, purpose, and vision.

These days, contents are produced merely to participate in trends, maintain relevance, and spam your followers because, God forbid, they forget you exist.

When the primary motivation becomes appeasing algorithms and trend-hopping so the algorithm doesn’t punish you, you are doing your brand a disservice and robbing your customers of authentic content. It’s only a matter of time before your customer or audience catches on and gets bored.

What can you do differently?

1. Plan your content.

Plan your content in these three areas.

  • Goal: Why am I writing this? Is it to educate? Is it to sell a product? It could be both. Just make sure, there is a reason behind it.
  • Feeling: How do I want people and my audience to feel after reading it? What kind of responses do I want to get from them?
  • Action: What action should my audience take after reading this? Your content must drive action, no matter how small.

2. Make it human

Let the people reading it feel like you’re talking to them — make it feel like a friendly conversation or advice to a friend. Even if you are using A.I to refine your content; don’t let it scare away the human touch of your writing.

3. Define how you show up and where you show up.

Consistency is an overused word by content influencers, but it means a lot to different people. It could mean posting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, or once a week.

You cannot post content on every social medium. It shows;

  • You’re desperate
  • It makes you noisy. And people hate noise pollution the most.

Have 1-2 social media accounts that align with your work and build consistency in showing up there. This is effective in the long run.

Consistency is good, but authenticity is great.

Since you enjoyed reading this, you will love this:

“Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in.”

Galatians 6:9 (AMP)

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