I’m Groot
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. — Mark Twain

I had planned on writing ‘I’m groot’ all through this episode. It would have been very confusing and many of you wouldn’t read past the first line. And yet Groot succeeded in establishing a communication with the Guardians of the Galaxy (please don’t tell me you haven’t watched it, because I really can’t start with the synopsis of the series). Moving on (oh ye loyal fans), I have never for once understood Growth…I mean Groot (what am I saying) …Ok, Groot (he is a tree; no one understands a tree) but then they understood a talking Raccoon (I still can’t wrap my head around that one)
Anyways, this episode once again isn’t about a tree; it’s about growth but not that of a tree (I’m coming for all the acclaimed ‘grown-ups”)
Growing is hard, really hard. I don’t mean, the growing from a baby to whatever you grow up to be (I mean look at Brobrisky, he was a baby boy and now she is a slay queen). Growing up emotionally and intellectually, that’s a really hard thing. I’m 20 years of age and my parents still refuse to look at me as an adult, that’s to show how irrelevant physical growth is.
When you emotionally and intellectually understand the what and what not of life, then my dear you are certified to be called a ‘grown up’. Even as adults we say and act in manners that are likened to a child; trust me I have met full grown men who still think like they wear diapers and it is humiliating. A guy once made a comment about a woman, he outrightly said she deserved to be raped because she offended her husband and if she was his wife, he would gather his friends to join in. I lost my home training that night, I literally went Muhammed Ali on the guy’s comment section. (don’t bother asking me what I said, I can’t remember). How can a full ‘grown’ man say such a thing. Amazingly, this same human being is regarded as sir/daddy/uncle by many kids out there. Many adults are still babies. They keep claiming ‘I’m groot’ up and down and yet their intelligence quotient is still as undeveloped as a zygote (this is me being nice).
I may still be a baby in the eyes of my parents, but in the course of my years, I have grown in my speech, my ability to make decisions, in my understanding of relationships and people. I can outrightly say I’m more of an adult than many adults out there. The last time I challenged a woman who was trying to intimidate me because she is a ‘grown up’, I told her how I really felt about her person. “Just because you hold the power of a thousand years, doesn’t make you wiser than a toddler. Wisdom is not in age, but in your sense of maturity” and ever since that day, that woman holds me in high regard. Not to brag, but respect is given to whom respect is due and if you think being ‘groot’ entitles you to respect, you have a long-way coming. I’m a respectful Yoruba girl, but if you come at me with your ‘adultshipness” I will respectfully put you back in your crib.
So, to the number of you thinking you’re a grown man or woman because of your beards, thick body, deepened voice, age or whatever it is you tie your growth to, I’m glad to announce to you, you have failed this course of adulthood. There is more to being called an adult or a grown up. Your actions and words they say define you. Until you have proven to be a better human being, you’re not fit to be called Groot
Now, about that talking racoon…