I failed at success, but I will try again next year.
End of the year personal review
How do I start this personal review without making it sound too serious or “review-ey”? For me, 2022 began as a year in which I would boss-lady my new “good” job, kick ass, and achieve some degree of notoriety as a writer and businesswoman.
A review of the year wouldn’t be necessary as it would speak for itself. In summary, 2022 was meant to be the year that visions and prophesies regarding me came to pass. I felt secure and optimistic about this year. And the first two months were kind, then there was a decline that led to the writing of this piece.
This article is therefore fully inspired by the Holy Spirit for persons in my position that are not exactly an open book.
I wasn’t revealed in 2022 the way I expected.In actuality, I received more denials and failed at endeavors that ought to have lasted a generation. Although the year wasn’t ideal, I’d happily live it over again.
Disclaimer: Hey! For those who waited this long, you can now tip me in local and international currencies. I’m very excited about this because I’ve always wanted to earn in foreign currencies and be able to afford materials that will help me become a better writer and better serve you. Be the first person to make this a reality.
Here are 7 keys areas that changed me this year:
Mental Development and Capacity
Last year, I resolved to read 100 novels. Even though it was impossible, I managed to read 20 or more. In 2022, I established a more attainable goal of reading two books each month for my spiritual, mental, and financial growth.
For the first six months of the year, I was disciplined, but once I started working, I found it difficult to read one book per month. I was frustrated with myself, but over time I channeled my resentment into a constant discipline of daily article reading.
I won’t say, I read 1 article per day every day, but I read at least 4 a week, which counts for something. Why?
I need to add value to my society intellectually. I’m a person who loves to have a basic idea on every topic. It’s so important because you don’t know where that knowledge can be applied.
Many problems are not solved with money, they’re solved by applying knowledge.
I gained new knowledge in the fields of financial management, design, and storytelling. I joined professional groups including Envisage Hub, Ingressive for Good, Money Africa, and Shecluded. I paid for Side Hustle Internship and Financial Literacy courses.
This year, I established my own Financial Literacy Community and published numerous articles. I acquired certifications in Product Management and developed my talents in product design. I learned how to update CVs and build a business strategy (one of my many side hustles at the moment).
I’m confident in saying that my understanding has increased by 20% since last year.
The year 2022 pushed me to become more knowledgeable, more educated, and more valuable. I have faith that 2023 will be a year of capacity growth in all respects, especially intellectually.
Here are some incredible novels I read: Broke Millenials by Erin Lowry, Smart Money Tribe by Arese Ugwu, The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee, How You Can Be Led By The Spirit of God by Kenneth E. Hagin, Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer, The Pursuit of God by A.W Towzer, The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W Towzer, Gay Girl, Good God, by Jackie Hill Perry, How to start an and The Seven Mountain Prophecy- Unveiling The Coming Elijah Revolution by Johnny Enlow
I watched a lot of YouTube this year too. I found these insightful and valuable: On Spending and Investment by AJS, Kings of Enterprise: Believers in the board room, Ezinne Zara, Steffany Gretzinger, Never admire quietly.
Spiritual Growth
Can I add, before I get too personal, that spiritual progress is not determined by how frequently you attend church or how many events you plan or attend each year? In contrast to spirituality, this is religion.
To determine how successfully you have grown spiritually in a year, consider the nine fruits of the spirit (how many of them did you manifest and to what extent), what is different about you spiritually from last year, and how intimate you have been with the Father.
Regarding the fruits of the spirit, I think I showed patience, and at the conclusion of the year, I gained more humility. I felt more connected to God. I had no idea that one could approach God with such intimacy. I had the most vivid and emotive sense of God. Every time I’m away from him, my heart begins to growl. I’m glad that my relationship with God is genuine and not just for show.
I’m grateful for Christains and believing communities like Hearts on Fire Global Fellowship, Ezinne Zara, J.C Ryle, Funto Ibuoye, Jackie Hill Perry, Priscilla Shirer, Billy Graham, Apostle Selman, Dunsin Oyekan, Ibukun Awosika etc. that helped me when I was at my lowest spiritually.
It’s important to be honest with oneself. If you’re unsure, send a poll to your friends and ask them to list the aspects of your personal growth that they believe have influenced them.
I prayed with my spiritual family in 2022 for 11 months, getting together every Friday night. We engaged in street envagelism, sowing a seed in men’s hearts and even winning lives to Christ.
My “letters to God” have been going on for a year, and they have blessed many lives more than I ever imagined. Every now and then, a friend would mail me saying, “Praise, this blessed me.” My heart melts at it. I’m very grateful to God for using me in this young season to touch so many people.
This year, I expanded my circle, reestablished old friendships, weeded out bad ones, and made new ones. I was more receptive to getting to know people, which led to a lot of talented and inspirational people coming my way.
I give God praise for these men. I’d rate my present relationship with them a 5 out of 10. This year, I neglected a lot of individuals. Even while it wasn’t intentional, a more deliberate sequencing of my life would have allowed for periodic calls, check-ins, etc.
But I’m not going to beat myself up for what happened in the past. I have the opportunity to be more thoughtful about the people in my life in 2023, especially my close pals.
Would it be simple?
But, God willing, I shall be present for my friends next year.
I would have laughed if someone had told me I would own stock in corporations at the age of 21. My early-stage road toward financial freedom has advanced significantly this year.
Beyond the wealth I’m steadily building for myself, I’m so happy with how this has affected the people around me. There are times when I look at my investment and saving portfolio and can’t help but shout “thank you, Jesus.”
Once I prayed to God “Give me prosperity that may be distributed around the world, rather than wealth for myself. Make me a wellspring of prosperity for nations.”
It’s lovely to see as my prayers develop like a flower opening its petals. I made more money this year, gave more out, and assisted over 200 people in beginning their financial journeys.
My financial community is booming with events for networking, wealth-building, financial literacy, career development etc. The community also gave out N2,750,000 worth of financial literacy courses to students who were affected by the strike in Nigeria. And in 2023, we have plans on extending this scholarship to secondary school students.
We must add value to our communities. That’s our mission and vision.
When I was younger, I used to be really ashamed of my ambitions since everyone around me made me feel foolish for wanting to be great.
My aspirations were naive and impractical. Because shining my light made me “weird and different,” I stayed out of the spotlight for a very long time. Thank God for Christ, who disproved that notion.
My dreams had actual meaning. Because I have a light that cannot afford to go out, my dreams are extremely important.
2022 was the year I gave my light permission to shine. I pushed for greatness in my work as a financial planner, a writer, and in my new position as a banker.
I intended to spend December in Accra, Ghana. I wanted to tour the city with my best friend. But I never really took any action in that area. Therefore, by the time December rolled around, neither my old international passport nor my travel funds was available.
Coincidentally, one of the many people I regard is currently on vacation with her partner in the city of my dreams. It caused a tremor inside of me. But I also discovered that one must be persistent in order to achieve goals; they do not work themselves.
So, Ghana and any other fantasy nation on my list will be visited next year.
Starting in 2022, it didn’t seem likely that I would contribute to this website or finish my abandoned book.
As a writer, it was to be a gap year. Much to my surprise, I picked up my laptop and began writing some drafts, which eventually resulted in the publication of 24 pieces and collaborations with several authors and content creators.
I adore how this period of my life has developed. I have no regrets.
2023 is a year to do more and be audacious in my actions! I anticipate a beautiful year ahead.
Nos vemos en 2023
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(Whooosh!!! It’s the end of the year already. Thank you guys for being consistent- reading, clapping, subscribing and sharing. I appreciate y’all.)