From OTA, Nigeria to Forbes!!!

Mummy and Daddy, I made it!

Praise Adeola
3 min readAug 28, 2024

But still, the imposter syndrome is real. No sooner had I started celebrating this incredible milestone that the voices in my head began to whisper: “Forbes BLK isn’t a big deal,” “You’re not on Forbes 25 Under 25,” “You don’t deserve this recognition.”

A preview of God’s goodness

Last year, in September, I was celebrating a friend who had just been appointed to the Forbes BLK community. Excited, I quietly whispered to myself, “One day, my name will be written on something just as big.”

Fast forward to eleven months, and there it was — an email from Forbes BLK welcoming me to their community. Surreal doesn’t even begin to describe it. It’s Forbes we are talking about. What!!!

And yet, I remembered how just a few months back, I was in tears, overwhelmed by the challenges — major funding issues for an international exam, insufficient capital for international training, missed scholarship opportunities — all in the same month.

Each time I felt like throwing in the towel and cuddling myself into smallness/non-existence, God gave me a preview — “I’M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET”

Even now, writing these words, I feel like crying. How did I get so lucky to be created and guided by such an intentional God?

Imposter syndrome

But still, the imposter syndrome is real. No sooner had I started celebrating this incredible milestone that the voices in my head began to whisper: “Forbes BLK isn’t a big deal,” “You’re not on Forbes 25 Under 25,” “You don’t deserve this recognition.”

This happens to me a lot. Every time I achieve something significant, there’s a voice that tries to minimize my success. And I realized that anything that undermines my ability also undermines the One who has blessed me with the grace to succeed.

So, I decided it was time to change my story. From now on, I declare to myself: “Praise, you are LIGHT!” “I am a GLOBAL personality!” “There is nothing small about me!” “Nations will KNOW my NAME!”

Becoming more

Joining Forbes BLK is just the beginning. I know there’s so much more to come. I see myself on the Forbes 25 Under 25, the 30 Under 30, the Forbes Financial Council and the Forbes 100 Most Influential People list.

Yes, I dare to say it out loud!

And as I declare this, the imposter syndrome tries to creep in: “What if it doesn’t happen?” “You’re speaking too boldly.” “Are you even smart enough?”

But here’s what I have to say to that:

  • “I make my boast in the Lord!”
  • “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!”
  • “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”
  • “Faithful is He who calls Praise, and He will also bring it to pass.”

A Message to All High Achievers Battling Imposter Syndrome

If you’re reading this and feeling that same battle within, know this:

  • You are exactly who you believe you are: A high achiever, a global icon, a trailblazer.
  • Your feelings do not define your success; your results do.
  • Yes, you deserve every bit of recognition — because you worked hard, and for every labour, there is a reward.

I hope sharing this milestone inspires you to believe in yourself even more. Keep pushing, keep dreaming, and keep declaring your greatness.

Since you enjoyed reading this, you will love this:

Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it. — Jeremiah 1:12 AMP

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