Drown in Water

There was a time I felt distant from the world, always so enclosed and almost non-existential and I really wanted to open up, I wanted to be seen, be heard and probably matter. It was like a cage living in the dark and not having enough information about the world. I couldn’t picture the world fully with the limited information I got from my family, school and friends. I was sure there was more to my existence and I was willingly to give it all to be free explore it.
This is a different timeline, but same century. I’m not the same person I used to be. I’m more open but yet clogged. The world I wanted to explore seemed so real and perfect but the world I’m living in is filled with so much information that it is hard to fully process one at a time. The atmosphere is polluted. I once felt I had circumscribed data about how the world was like but now that I have seen less than half of it, I don’t think I want any more of it. Don’t get me wrong, this life has its pecs, it’s beautiful beyond words and offers a lot of amazing things, but there is also a darker to side it and it’s toxic. At some point we will all pass through that dark side and only the strongest and bravest can do and come out unscathed, but I’m not brave, I’m just human.

No information makes us feel locked up or out of place and too much information makes us drown and drives us insane. Then at what point can we truly enjoy life without feeling caged or drowning in water? At what point are we free from the shackles of too expectation and fear of disappointment? At what point can we truly define ourselves without having to prove nothing to anyone? At what point can we balance happiness and freedom? At what point will the world stop growing beyond us? At what point will life have a balance?
I guess we will never know; not today and maybe never, but I know this for sure, the world is unending and we are only occupants for a given duration, we best make the most of it while we live in its existentiality , however the choice to either be caged in it or drown in it can only be made by us. It’s an infinite life but finite choices.