An adventure in the wild
A day in my life
Disclaimer: Consider this my attempt at travel writing. My life will be filled with it, so I might as well start now.

In my life, a typical day is made up of 12 hours of work at the office during the week and weekends spent sleeping, watching movies, and running my business.
Yes, it is uninteresting.
However, the tides shifted when I traveled to Lagos and invited my friends to join me at the Lekki Conservation Center. Since youth service, I haven’t seen my friends in person, and I’ve been longing to. I was ecstatic upon seeing them.
We purchased our tickets and ventured out into nature. Samuel, the more experienced photographer, had already started taking pictures of us and other side attractions. Having a friend who is “a good photographer” is a huge plus.
We hadn’t gone too far when Dorcas’ hoop earring fell into the pond. She wanted to cry. A few monkeys were also moving around, snatching and grabbing at various objects. They frightened a woman we encountered on the journey. Her encounter made Dorcas and I wary of the monkeys.
The canopy walk is Lekki Conservation’s primary tourist draw. It is reputed to be Africa’s longest suspended canopy walkway.

Geometrically, the Canopy walk is 401 metres which is 1,315 feet long. It features six towers that rise over 22 feet each. They are connected by a series of suspended (and swinging) walkways that offer a unique (if somewhat harrowing) 360-degree view of this part of the world from high above the treetops.
My friends and I were excited, although I was a little apprehensive. Nevertheless, I was going to see it through. N3000 could not go to waste (the fee for the walk.) God forbid!
So I followed my friends, Samuel leading with a mental attitude of “I must capture every moment”. The walk began atop a tower that was 7.5 meters long and 24 feet tall. My mental attitude was “Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.”

I didn’t let loose my inner spiritual language until we arrived at Tower 2, the “point of no return” tower, which is 49 feet tall and 15 meters long.
“Who are thou oh great mountain before Zerrubabel that I cannot lay plain”

Dorcas was such a sweetheart. When I wasn’t catching up, she would pause intermittently. I must admit, I had no idea she was that brave. Although it was an amazing adventure, I also learned a few things about myself and my friends as a result.
I mustered up the bravery to go to Tower 4, the canopy walk’s highest tower and the “wish-making tower,” pushing past my trepidation and leaning into the excitement. Its length is 22.5 meters, and its height is 73 feet.

The constant taunting and drastic actions Samuel and Isaac (one of the group of guys we met) used along the voyage made me fear I would have a heart attack. I recall berating Samuel to stop taking photos when we were out walking.
But all fell on deaf ears. I was so scared for them. I promised myself to flog them both when we reached the surface. Eventually, I forgot.
The view from the fourth tower was breathtaking. From there, I could see some parts of Lagos. It was pristine, but I made an effort not to dwell on the sky too much before I landed there. I clung tenaciously to the rope while moving forward step by step.
I sighed softly as we approached Kelson Tower, the fifth tower, which is 49 feet long and 15 meters broad. Once I picked up the pace, I showed pity for the unfortunate rope.

The Hands-Free Tower, which is 24 feet and 7.5 meters tall, marked the end of the canopy walk.

What an adventure! It was fascinating; I made new acquaintances, and I took away invaluable lessons.
Know this Before You Go
- Numerous animals inhabit the reserve, including rare birds, tortoises, and monkeys. Watch out for the monkeys. They can snatch you if they see fit.
2. LCC is located at km 19 on the Lekki-Epe Expressway.
3. The conservation center is accessible every day from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
4. The suspended canopy walkway is optional for visitors.
5. The entry fee is 1,500 naira for adults. If you want to go on the suspended walkway, you will add an extra 1,500, i.e., N3000 total.
6. Before embarking on the suspended walk, place pricey jewelry in the bag.
7. There shouldn’t be more than 7–8 individuals on each suspended walk per tower. Please, it's dangerous.
8. Avoid playing music on the ride since it draws animals.
9. Take a marker with you for the ride, it will come in handy.
PS: My wish on the 4th tower was to take my friends on many more adventures like this. Especially a visit to the wonders of the world.
Picture credit: The one and only “Sambakz”. Book him!
Up next: skydiving.
Shirt: I designed it myself. Available on pre-sale.
He answered, “Because of your little faith [your lack of trust and confidence in the power of God]; for I assure you and most solemnly say to you, if you have [living] faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and [if it is God’s will] it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
Matthew 17:20 AMP
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