10 lessons these past months have taught me

So far, so good.

Praise Adeola
5 min readApr 29, 2023
Photo by Jasmin Chew on Unsplash

1. People are watching

Believe it or not, people are watching what you do every day. People might not praise (or, in other circumstances, mock) you directly, but just be aware they are paying attention.

Today, a friend of the family asked me why I had postponed an event I was hosting. I was genuinely astonished that he was aware of it and even intrigued. It made me wonder how many other people were watching me.

I’ve learned to be true to myself; I’m not going to showcase my personality or manner of doing things just because others are looking.

I will do things honestly, because that is who I am. I will be meticulous and bring excellence to every space I enter. I want to be known for this.

2. Don’t give up so easily.

I’ve had so many setbacks in the past four months, some of which are legitimate reasons to give up my goals, and this experience made me realize that having big goals and planning well doesn’t mean there won’t be obstacles along the way.

I have learned to understand circumstances, prepare for them in advance, and be patient with myself. It’s okay not to achieve everything now.

3. Show love “in spite.”

Have you ever shared a space with someone who brought out the worst in you? I believe I’m still figuring out how to handle situations with those who have a negative attitude and way of life that make me want to screech and lash out.

I am aware that, as a child of God, it is required of me to demonstrate love regardless of what they do to me. It has not been easy. Truthfully, it irritates me.

It can occasionally cause someone to take you for granted. This year’s first few months have taught me to be more patient, to love more, and to pray more for those who despise me.

Whatever my feelings are, I must strive to be a better Christian. No matter how much someone offends me, my response must always be to uphold God’s nature.

4. Not everyone will like you.

There will always be someone who disapproves of you, regardless of how “goody two shoes” you are. In truth, they don’t even require a cause. Someone else gets irritated by your kind heart or good temperament.

Expect adversaries, even from those who laugh and smile with you. It will happen, and all you can do is pray to overcome it.

5. It’s okay not to be there for everyone.

When someone needed a friend to weep with, I used to be the person they turned to. I was only fully available to everyone and hardly ever to myself, and I had no idea how to ask for help when I needed it.

It took some time for me to learn that I had to put myself first and prioritize my needs. It may appear selfish, but to me, that is selfless. I have declined several requests over the last few months and held firm when necessary, especially without feeling bad about it.

I have guided people to use resources other than myself. When I don’t know something, I’ve said “I don’t know” without feeling inadequate.

I appreciate all the “me” time I get to spend with myself. It’s okay that I’m not the one who fixes everyone’s issues.

6. Asking for help

I wrote in my diary, "I want to learn to ask for help." And so far, so good; I give myself a “B” for effort.

I’m doing well for someone who is accustomed to getting things done on her own. I’m happy that I’m learning to trust someone else’s thoughts and work, even though it might take some time to unwind a perfectionist mindset.

7. The Father has me at heart.

No matter how many times I have missed my prayer walks and prayer watch hours, God is always waiting in the room of prayer for me. Whenever my focus slightly shifts to the ambitions of this world, He always realigns my focus back on him, and whenever I think I’m too far gone beyond his reach or lost to be found, his arms reach me wherever I am and restore me to the right path.

The father’s arms are not too short to reach me. No one is too lost to be found. God is always rooting for me. He is relentless about my outcome. He won’t stop until I become like him.

8. Don’t be afraid to change course.

It doesn’t matter if you’re known for doing something the longest or have made a big announcement about something, once the Father disapproves or says no, it ends right there and then.

A single no from God is worth more than a million commendations from men.

I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world than stand with the world and be judged by God.

Forget about what people will say when they see that you have stopped what you started. You will need to decide if you care for people more than you fear God. Get over the shame.- Ebele Light

9. Success has no standard.

Although someone else’s success may be inspiring, mine is not measured by it. I’m learning to define success for myself, to be content with where I am right now, and to congratulate myself when I accomplish even the smallest feats.

I'm learning that the best success is the one that helps someone else. Therefore, I refuse to be influenced by someone’s money or fame to live life in haste and fail to have an impact on those around me.

10. Be careful what money makes of your heart.

This is a lesson I’m learning from the people around me. Money may easily take control of a person’s heart and life subconsciously, making them lose all sense of reason and harming others in the process.

Oh, please avoid pursuing wealth at any cost. Certain costs are just too high. Avoid becoming a fool because of your love of money. All riches are not made by God.

Any wealth or money acquired through methods that in any way cause harm to another person is unacceptable in God’s eyes. Guard your heart against the love of money.

Keep alert and pray that you’ll be spared this time of testing. Your spirit is eager enough, but your humanity is weak

Mattew 26:41 (TPT)

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